About KarenMy name is Karen Schultz. I have been working in hand therapy for 43 years. After graduating with a design degree from UCLA, I went on to earn my masters in Occupational Therapy from California State University, San Jose. I worked for many years in Southern California, initially as a hospital based therapist. Subsequently I opened my own private practice, Los Angeles Hand Rehabilitation. I became a Certified Hand Therapist in 1991 with the first cadre of therapists to achieve this designation.
When I moved to the mountains of Colorado, I continued in private practice as Rocky Mountain Hand Therapy. After 25 years in the mountains, I have moved to Denver to expand my impact on the hand therapy community. KSHULS, which, to my delight, nearly mirrors my name, is my way of sharing my experience and expertise with therapists around the world. I hope to meet you soon so that we can move toward a philosophy of appreciation of the hand and upper limb that combines insight and innovation with evidence based practice. |
Karen Schultz Hand and Upper Limb Strategies, LLC
What We Do |
Workshops & Seminars
Why We Do It |
I established KSHULS to share decades of upper limb rehabilitation experience. I want to help expand the understanding of upper limb pathologies for clinicians, legal professionals, ergonomic specialists and patients. My goal is to facilitate clinicians' abilities in the identification of diagnoses, prognoses and potentials. My core value is to elevate the science of hand and upper limb rehabilitation with the highest standards of evaluation and care. In so doing I will catalyze and promote the art and science of upper limb rehabilitation to enable as many members of society as possible.
In my 43 years of practice, I have presented over 250 times, expanding the knowledge-base of hand therapy.
- +260 courses of continuing education
- California State University San Jose, Certificate in Occupational Therapy, 1978; M.S. in Occupational Therapy (with honors), 1982
- University of California at Los Angeles, B.A. Design (cum laude), 1976
- Colorado Occupational Therapy License #2205
- Certified Hand Therapist #9105000995
- Certified Occupational Therapist #AA341924
- NPI # 1093739187
- American Society of Hand Therapists--Active Member
- American Society for Surgery of the Hand--Associate Member
- American Occupational Therapy Association--Fellow
- Denver Hand SIG
Hand Therapy Services
Administration & Entrepreneurship
These published articles, chapters and images have helped to share and expand our hand therapy knowledge base. Following my formal participation on the Journal of Hand Therapy (JHT) editorial board, I continued to review articles for JHT and the Journal of Hand Surgery. These experiences helped prepare me to work in conjunction with non-primary English-speaking international hand therapists to assist them with professional editing to prepare their manuscripts for publication.
- Tissue Remodeling and Contracture Correction Using Serial Casting and Orthotic Intervention. In Skirven TM, Ostermann AL, Fedorczyk, JM, Amadio PC, Feldscher S, Shin EK (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier. 2021; 7th Edition: 1522-1538.
- Stiffness. In Jacobs MA, Austin NM (eds). Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Supper Extremity: Splinting Principles and Process. Hagerstown, MD: Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2014; 2nd edition: 391-422.
- Casting. In Jacobs MA, Austin NM (eds). Orthotic Intervention for the Hand and Supper Extremity: Splinting Principles and Process. Hagerstown, MD: Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2014; 2nd edition: 326-351.
- Work Oriented Programs. In Skirven TM, Ostermann AL, Fedorczyk, JM, Amadio, PC (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia, Mosby/ Elsevier. 2011; Edition 6.
- Upper Extremity Functional Capacity Evaluation. In Skirven TM, Ostermann AL, Fedorczyk, JM, Amadio, PC (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia: Mosby. 2011; Edition 5.
- Stiffness. In Jacobs ML and Austin N (eds). The Hand Splinting Process: A Comprehensive Manual. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2003; 292-315.
- Casting Techniques. In Jacobs ML and Austin N (eds). The Hand Splinting Process: A Comprehensive Manual. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. 2003; 245-266.
- Schultz Upper Extremity Pain Assessment. Tokyo, Japan. Kyodo Isho Shuppan Co LTD . 2003.
- Functional Capacity Evaluation Following Flexor Tendon Injury. Hand Surgery. World Scientific Publishing Company. 2002; Vol 7(1): 109-137.
- Static-Progressive Splinting. Journal of Hand Therapy. 2002; 15(2): 163-178.
- Work hardening and work conditioning. In Mackin E, Callahan A, Ostermann AL and Skirven TM (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia: Mosby. 2002; 5th ed.
- Upper Extremity Functional Capacity Evaluations. In Mackin E, Callahan A, Ostermann AL and Skirven TM (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia: Mosby. 2002; 5th ed.
- Editorial consultant for Introduction to Splinting: a Clinical-Reasoning and Problem-Solving Approach. St. Louis: Mosby. 2001; 2nd ed.
- Static-progressive splinting. Bulletin de la Societe Suisse de Reeducation de la Main Tome. 2000 1(11): 14-19.
- Static-Progressive Splinting. Edwards, CO: UE TECH. 1998.
- Splinting the wrist: mobilization and protection. Journal of Hand Therapy. 1998; 9(2):165-177. (special issue on The Wrist edited by Paul LaStayo MS PT CHT and Larry Chidgey MD)
- This article translated into Polish and published in Rehabilitation Medicine. 1998; Vol 2(2): 14-23.
- Work hardening; work conditioning. In Hunter, Schneider L, Mackin E, and Callahan A (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia: Mosby, 1995; 4the Ed: 1775-1786.
- Functional capacity evaluation. In Hunter, Schneider L, Mackin E, and Callahan A (eds). Rehabilitation of the Hand. Philadelphia: Mosby. 1995; 4th Ed: 1739-1774.
- Industrial rehabilitation and the hand specialist. In Isernhagen, S (ed). Work Injury. Aspen: Rockville.1994; Vol 2.
- Schultz Upper Extremity Pain Assessment. Avon, CO: Upper Extremity Technology (rev). 1993.
- Splinting: a problem solving approach. In Stanley BG and Tribuzi SM (eds). Concepts in Hand Rehabilitation. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis. 1992; 238-271.
- Work Hardening: Mandate for Hand Therapy. In Mackin E and Callahan A (eds). Frontiers in Hand Rehabilitation: Hand Clinics. Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders. 1991; 7(4): 597-610.
- Practice Forum: Motor Point Finding with NMES. Journal of Hand Therapy. 1990; 3(4): 209-210.
- Upper Extremity Factors in the Evaluation of Lifting. Journal of Hand Therapy. 1990; 3(2): 72-85.
- Volumetrics: a Literature Review. Glenwood Springs, CO: Upper Extremity Technology. 1988.
- Assessment of upper extremity-injured person's return to work potential. Journal of Hand Surgery. 1987; 12A [2 Part 2]: 950-957.
- Work hardening guidelines 1984: As proposed by California VEWAA. In Edgecomb, J (ed). Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin Winter. 1987; 133-134.
- MP flexion splints (photos). In Fess, E and Philips, C. Hand Splinting: Principles and Methods. St. Louis: Mosby. l987; 2nd ed.
- Evaluating the worker's functional capacities for repetitive work. Seminars in Occupational Medicine. 1987; 2(1): 31-40
- Schultz Upper Extremity Pain Assessment. Avon, CO: Upper Extremity Technology; 1988.
- Assessing the upper extremity-injured worker's ability to safely return to the workplace. Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors III Part B. Amsterdam: North-Holland; l986: 641- 650
- Matheson L, Ogden L, Violette K, Schultz, K. Work hardening: occupational therapy in industrial rehabilitation. American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 1985; 39(5): 314-321
- Schultz structured interview for assessing upper extremity pain. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 1984; 1(3): 69.
- Centers for Work Capacity Evaluation: Downey Community Hospital. In Jacobs, K (ed). Occupational Therapy: Work Related Programs and Assessments. Boston: Little and Brown.1985; Chapter 5: 223-225.
- Centers for Work Capacity Evaluation: Hand Rehabilitation Specialists. In Jacobs, K (ed). Occupational Therapy: Work Related Programs and Assessments. Boston: Little and Brown. 1985; Chapter 5: 242-244
- The effect of active exercise on hand volume during whirlpool. Journal of Hand Surgery. 1983; 8(5), Part I: 625.